音乐巴士蔡佳灵I see you歌词
歌 手:蔡佳灵
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I see you歌词

I See You (English)
You may feel like you’re that speck of tiny dust
In an overwhelming desert of sand
You may feel like you don’t matter that much
But let me remind you, again
You are special in my eyes
Every move you make is unique
And words can never describe what you’re worth
And how much you mean to me
Won’t you remember what I always say
That you are fearfully and wonderfully made
I see you
I see the things that are there
Even if you yourself can’t seem to
I see the beautiful depths
That no one else may do
I see you
You are special in my eyes
Every move you make is unique
And words can never describe what you’re worth
And how much you mean to me
Won’t you remember what I always say
That you are fearfully and wonderfully made
I see you
I see the things that are there
Even if you yourself can’t seem to
I see the beautiful depths
That no one else may do
I see you
That special you
That wonderful you
That one in a million irreplaceable you
That special you
That wonderful you
That one in a million irreplaceable you
I see the things that are there
Even if you yourself can’t seem to
I see the beautiful depths
That no one else may do
I see you
I see you

I see youLRC歌词

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