Higher Brothers2018年最新专辑《Type-3》。
中国说唱团体Higher Brothers与他们的老搭档,英籍牙买加裔制作人HARIKIRI再次联手出击,打造最新EP《Type-3》。此EP中4首歌曲全部由HARIKIRI担任制作,与以往不同,每首都是成员的一支rap solo,形成了这张EP丰富的听觉效果。
EP名称“Type-3”源自他们理解中的“第三类”人。Higher Brothers成员认为 “大致可以把人们分成三种类型,第一类,墨守成规,做大家认为应该做的事;第二类,肆意妄为,只顾自己不计后果,他们是真正的坏;第三类,亦正亦邪,他们内心善良,敢于突破,不被所谓的边界束缚,像我们一样。希望世界上多些第三类人。”
Chinese rap stars Higher Brothers team up with longtime collaborator Harikiri for their newest EP, Type-3. The 4-track project is entirely produced by the Jamaican-British producer and it features solo appearances from each member of Higher Brothers. “There are three types of people,” the group said, speaking on the inspiration for the title. “One is your average go to work, do what you’re told type. Two are people who are bad, mean, just nasty. There there are type 3 people, who are a mix of both good and bad. They do bad things, but they are good-hearted. Type 3s are the ones the world needs.”